
Community Service Ministries

Ruah Church Exists to spread the breath of God to cause freedom to the oppressed and to instill revival in the body of the Church.



NESSA Trust is a social charitable organization, striving to create a lasting change in the lives of children, women, families, communities, and the environment. The economically downtrodden people are found and help is rendered to them in the form of mid-day meals, educational scholarships, widow rehabilitation, building houses for the downtrodden. Many like-minded philanthropists have joined hands with Nessa to reach to the poor and needy.

NESSA Update

Nessa tangibly displays the Love of God by its committed service to the poor and needy. God had commissioned to provide food and social assistance to the poor and needy and by the grace of God and by the goodness of the benevolent hearts and the assistance of the faithful we can provide the following services unto the poor and the needy.

* 200 packets of NESSA Food is served to the orphans, destitute and poor people who are found on the streets, the by lanes and sideways.

* Tailoring Institute is run for Women to empower them socially and economically.

* Every month 100 destitute women and widows were given monthly provisions.

* Medical camps for the sick and the needy upon demand.

NESSA Update
Nessa Trust

During major crisis such as natural disasters and calamities, NESSA Trust undertakes major relief and rescue operations. After the initial operations, NESSA continues to provide Rehabilitative services and Rebuilding services for them. Sustainable living and Self – Reliant living is what we aim for the devastated lives through our social services.